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Our Programs

It is a project in which children from kindergartens or primary schools regularly meet seniors from homes and homes  senior clubs throughout the Czech Republic. Together they take part in meetings whose activities are artistic, musical or movement activities, as well as reading, storytelling or celebrations of various holidays.

 Seniors become fabulous reading grandmothers and grandfathers and attend weekly kindergartens. As children listen, they develop their imagination and knowledge of the language, and seniors can in turn draw energy from the joy, sincerity and amazing vitality of the little ones. 


We organize intergenerational creative workshops for the general public at festivals, conferences, seasonal markets and other events. In our fairytale tent we prepare art and handicraft activities suitable for all generations. During creation, we talk to each other and enjoy each other.

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Our common goal is  implement intergenerational activities and help everyone who wants to get involved. As part of European cooperation, we offer an educational program for intergenerational coaches. We regularly prepare conferences dedicated to intergenerational activities and sharing good practice.

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Thanks to ICT tools, the "Online" program enables joint intergenerational activities of children and seniors even in periods when, for various reasons, they cannot be in personal contact. Includes video fairy tales, online meetings, video greetings, online seminars, and IT education.


As part of the HELP program, we activate the social involvement of seniors. Seniors become useful helpers to grandmothers and grandfathers who regularly attend kindergartens as auxiliary staff.

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Between us, ops

Medinská 1168/26

190 14, Prague 9


Between us, ops

Pujmanové 1219/8

140 00, Prague 4


Mobile: +420 604 356 300

ID:  02267217

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© 2022 Mezi námi, ops. Non-profit organization.

All rights reserved.  The site was created by Martin.

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