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About us

When generations meet, miracles happen!


In Between Us, ops we support the meeting of people of all generations. We want the oldest to understand the youngest. To discover together how beautiful and enriching their worlds are when they interconnect.


Public benefit society The idea of an intergenerational meeting spreads among us. Representatives of any generation who will be approached by our activities have the opportunity to participate in our projects  and has a taste for adding. We are ready to convey information clearly and quickly and to involve it in projects. We value everyone who joins us and who is not indifferent to connecting generations.


Together, our team managed to achieve this in cooperation with educators, activators and other supporters  sophisticated system of intergenerational meetings in the main five programs .



We support the regular, planned networking of a generation of seniors, children and people of working age, based on their intrinsic motivation, in the local community with the aim of discovery, knowledge, enrichment and mutual respect.

We unite generations together.

Our team

It is full of energy and  enthusiasm and  works in  in accordance with  Code of Ethics Between Us ops  He puts into work not only experience and  efforts, but also  your heart. "He can do it  this one ", that's why everyone uses their strengths so that everyone is always looking forward to work. Because what I do simply cannot be done without joy! 

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Among us in the media

They wrote and filmed about us.

... THANK YOU for being with us! BETWEEN US.

Support us too!


Between us, ops

Medinská 1168/26

190 14, Prague 9


Between us, ops

Pujmanové 1219/8

140 00, Prague 4


Mobile: +420 604 356 300

ID:  02267217

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© 2022 Mezi námi, ops. Non-profit organization.

All rights reserved.  The site was created by Martin.

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